Colourful dandelion embroidered Make-Up/Wash Bag.
Perfect gift for your friend, Mum, sister, girlfriend, wife, nan or just for you! Dip in and come out sparkling.
Gorgeous embroidered base dipped navy, black or pink make-up bag with brushed thick canvas that is ideal for everyone. It's the perfect bag to take on your travels, going away for the weekend, going to the gym or even at home keeping everything in one place. It's ideal if you like to have all your accessories in one place.
The bags come in two sizes - Medium 19 x 18 x 9 cm (3 litres) and Large 23 x 23 x11 cm (5 litres) - both are the same price.
Dandelion Make-Up/Wash Bag Medium & Large
100 % Brushed Cotton
Weight 407 gsm
Sponge clean only
Size: Medium. 19 x 18 x9 cm
Large. 23 x 23 x 11 cm
Silver Zip
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